Fine Needle Aspiration
Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is a safe, minimally invasive type of biopsy that uses a very small needle to remove cells from a lump. These cells are evaluated under a microscope to determine the cause of the lump.
An ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure used to take images of the thyroid gland using sound waves. The patient lies on their back, stretching they neck back. The technician will put a gel on the neck, then move a transducer (wand) over the area. The transducer gives of sound waves that are transmitted to a computer. The pattern formed produces an image.
What to Expect
The biopsy procedure itself typically takes about 15 minutes. Biopsies that require ultrasound imaging may take longer. Please allow 45-60 minutes for your visit from start to finish. Most patients find FNAB to be a straightforward and rapid procedure, with similarities to a blood draw.
Representative slides are looked at right away under a microscope to make sure cells are being obtained. Occasionally, the results may be known at the time of the biopsy. The cytopathologist issues a formal diagnostic report usually within 48-72 hours. If special studies are needed, a few additional days may be required. The report is sent to the doctor who requested your biopsy.